Art and DT
The teaching of Art and DT at St Mark’s Primary School
Our Intent
Art – Expressions of Beauty and Emotion
At St Marks, we believe that Art should be an integral part of a child’s learning in order to stimulate and cater to a child’s creativity. Art should not be seen as merely producing a picture but a subject where children learn new and exciting skills using a wide variety of materials and produce art work on varying scales. Throughout their time at St Mark’s, children explore and compare the work of famous artists. They develop their drawing and painting skills using a range of media. We recognise that we are lucky to have a host of arts organisations on our doorstep in London and we use trips and workshops and artist spotlight as a way to enrich our arts offer.
D.T – Great Designs and Designers
Design and Technology requires pupils to apply knowledge and skills to solve practical problems. It involves identifying a need, generating design ideas, planning, making and review. It spans the curriculum and supports work in other subjects. Through well planned tasks, which allow the children to achieve the targets within familiar contexts, pupils learn how to take risks and become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens. These are essential skills for our pupils to develop as they prepare to take their place as adults in society. Our D.T projects always start with a clear design brief that the children are working towards. From sewing puppets in Year 1 to building emergency shelters in Year 5, children have a clear purpose for each project. We ensure that children evaluate their work against success criteria to see how their design could be improved next time.
Art |
Painting |
Sculpting |
Printing |
Textiles |
Know about great artists and designers |
DT |
Cooking and Nutrition
Building and designing |
Developing creative, technical and practical ideas |
Evaluating designs and products
Year Group |
TERM 1 |
TERM 2 |
TERM 3 |
TERM 5 |
TERM 6 |
Throughout the Reception year, children will be working towards the following Early Learning Goals: Creating with Materials Safely use and explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function; Share their creations, explaining the process they have used; Make use of props and materials when role playing characters in narratives and stories. Being Imaginative and Expressive Invent, adapt and recount narratives and stories with peers and their teacher; Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs; Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and – when appropriate – try to move in time with music. |
Toys |
London Life |
Infinity and Beyond |
Land to Lunchbox |
The Seaside |
Whole School Project – London, the UK and Continents of the world
1 |
Sewing Puppets (DT) |
Collages/ junk modelling of London landmarks (Art) |
Papier Mache rockets and planets (DT) |
Pictures inspired by Arcimboldo.
Posters for seaside resorts (Art) |
Fire! Fire! |
Icy Blast |
Heroes from the past |
Rumble in the Jungle |
Transport |
2 |
Chalk/charcoal sketches of the fire Model houses (Art&DT) Bread making |
Gordon Bruce – Winter Paintings using mixed media (Art)
Portraits based on the work of famous artists (Art)
Henri Rousseau paintings (Art)
Making a car powered by a balloon (DT) |
Romans in Britain |
Active Planet |
Ancient China |
Chocolate |
Anglo Saxons |
3 |
Roman Mosaics (Art) |
Andy Warhol/ Turner paintings of volcanoes (Art) |
Painting traditional Chinese plates Chinese cooking (Art &DT) |
Making chocolate recipes and designing packaging (DT) |
Designing and making jewellery (DT) |
Vikings |
The Island |
Ancient Greece |
Himalayas |
Tudors |
4 |
Model of longships (DT) |
Sunset pictures (Art) |
Greek Vases Greek Feast (Art&DT)
Models of mountains using felt and mixed media (DT) |
Holbein portraits (Art) |
Power to the People |
Climate Catastrophes |
Mayans |
Awe and Wonder |
Victorians |
5 |
Monet watercolour of Parliament (Art)
Building shelters (DT) |
Mayan patterns and clay sun dials (Art) |
Landscape paintings (Art) |
Victorian toys and puppets (DT) |
Freedom |
Protecting the Planet |
Benin |
London and its People |
World War II |
6 |
Freedom quilts (DT) |
Collages using recycled materials (DT) |
Clay masks (Art) |
Modern British artists Stephen Wilshire (Art)
Propaganda posters Rationing meal (Art) |
- Art and DT at St Mark’s will be taught in half termly blocks.
- A sequence of lessons will begin with immersion, when pupils explore the features of the artist, artwork or design object, from which children will explore and identify specific features. Children will then plan their own ideas using the studied work as a basis, before working on their own creation. Topics will conclude an evaluation of the learning process and final piece
- Art and DT units will begin with a topic page which outlines the objectives that are to be taught during the term
- Within lessons, children will be exposed to the broader context within their topic, to help them to understand broader links
- Vocabulary linked to topics will be displays and pre-taught to help to support EAL and SEN pupils
- Each term trips and/or experiences will be undertaken to further immerse students in the topic they will be learning about
- Teachers will use schemes of work and lesson plans developed by the school which embed our Art and DT vision within the content of the individual lessons and the theme as a whole. These schemes of work ensure there is a progression of skills, a wide coverage across the core concepts of Art and DT
- Subject knowledge documents have been provided by the subject leader as well as inset training, to help to make our expectations for the teaching of Art and DT clear to all staff
- Our progression of skills documents for Art and DT are used to inform teachers of the pitch and expectations required for different age ranges across the school
- The Art and DT Leader will provide training for staff to help them to develop their skill and confidence

The impact of our Art and DT curriculums is evident within children’s sketchbooks and final pieces of work, which are often displayed in class and around the school. Children are presented with opportunities to evaluate and reflect on their learning at the end of their teaching units. Class teachers use children’s self-assessments, their own judgements using skills progression documents and children’s final pieces of work to determine whether they are working towards, above or at the expected level for Art and DT.
Children in Foundation Stage are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly using the Tapestry tracker system. Age related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of the reception year.
Accompanying documents