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GSO Test

Reception- Ebony class

Class Teacher: Ms Michelle Senior 
Class TA: Ms Rose McDonald

Ms Michelle Senior  will be teaching Ebony Class this year. She will be ably supported by our experience TA Ms Rose McDonald.

During the past three years, we have transformed the ethos and outcomes of our Early Years through developing the indoor and outdoor environment and by introducing experienced, specialist staff. This has led to children making excellent progress and achieving well across the setting.


                      Ms Michelle Senior                               Ms Rose McDonald               


Natural History Museum

To support their learning of the topic 'Dinosaurs' Reception  took a trip to the Natural History Museum. to meet real size dinosaur models. Reception had a exciting time exploring the dinosaur gallery to find out more about these pre-historic animals. Our trip wouldn't be complete without the star attraction the awesome , roaring Tyrannosaurus. Reception represented St Mark's fantastically. Well Done Ebony class  for showing  engagement and  curiosity throughout this topic.



Cooking Session


Phonics Learning

Reception have started phonics this week and have made a fantastic start. They have been learning the sounds s,a,t,p and produced some good letter formation. Well done Reception!










Class bulletins