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Christian Distinctiveness

 Our recent SIAMs Christian Distinctiveness report from March 2019 speaks glowingly of the strong Christian ethos throughout St Mark's. Below are just some of the highlights: 


  • Leaders and governors explicitly articulate and operate by the outward looking Christian vision, referring to its biblical rootedness and impact.
  • A broad and balanced creative curriculum which, through varied foci and enrichments, enables pupils to flourish in wisdom, knowledge and skills.
  • An unwavering trust in God and naturalness of prayer enfolds all that the school does, in mission, to serve its community.
  • ‘Unique and valued by God’ – the motto of St Mark’s encapsulating its vision. Out of this springs a school profusely serving its community, offering an educational experience informed by biblical rootedness. This is sharply focused on its context and at meeting the needs of its particular pupils. A shared belief is that all can achieve their Godgiven potential. ‘Our vision is to imitate Christ in that he was interested in the individual,’ says the headteacher.
  • An innovative curriculum has key drivers including character, community, spirituality and trips throughout.
  • Aspirational and exciting education, including learning outside the classroom, meets holistically, different needs of pupils. The school uses challenges that many pupils face in everyday life as opportunities for learning.
  • Numerous extra-curricular activities offer pupils enrichment to address inequalities faced in their own lives.

  Click here for our most recent SIAMS report March 2019











Click here for our most recent SIAMS report March 2019