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Teaching and Learning of Mathematics at
St Mark’s Primary School

Our Intent

At St Mark’s we follow the Mastery approach for the teaching and learning of mathematics; new objectives are taught in manageable steps building on children’s prior knowledge and understanding.   

Our aim is that pupils focus and engage fully as learners who reason mathematically and make connections; developing the ability to apply maths to solve problems and apply their knowledge and skills in a range of contexts.   Teaching is designed to enable a coherent progression through a spiral curriculum; where learners revisit the same topic, each time deepening their understanding.  Curriculum design aims to ensure a detailed sequence of essential content to support sustained progression over time; promoting a deep, long term, secure understanding of the subject.  Children’s conceptual understanding is developed through the concrete, pictorial, and abstract approach, using representations to support children when explaining their reasoning.  Teacher aim to plan for opportunities across the curriculum for pupils to apply their mathematical understanding.   

Teachers continually develop their specialist knowledge for teaching mathematics. 



  • Teacher follow the St Mark’s medium-term plans to ensure curriculum coverage and progression of national curriculum objectives; using resources from White Rose, NCETM and other sources.
  • One week is spend on a curriculum area; as set out in the medium-term plans.
  • Daily Mathematics lessons follow the structure of: Counting, Arithmetic, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning.
  • Practice of key skills and consolidation is built in.
  • New learning is linked to prior learning and this is made explicit in the medium-term plans.
  • There is flexibility within the medium-term plans for teachers to address identified gaps in pupils’ mathematical knowledge. 
  • In the Summer term most objectives have been taught so time is spent revisiting, recapping and deepening pupils’ understanding of the objectives.
  • In the Spring and Summer terms a revision timetable is devised for Year 6 to prepare them for the End of Key Stage 2 Statutory Assessment.
  • Progression of informal and formal calculation methods are taught in line with the St Mark’s Calculation Policy and modelled explicitly by teaching staff.
  • Pupils build on their conceptual understanding by using concrete resources and pictorial representation.
  • Work is differentiation to support the learning of all pupils and appropriate challenge is built in. 
  • Support staff primarily support pupils with EHCP or SEN Support Plans to access the learning.
  • Targets in pupil’s books are personalised and linked to the objectives being taught that term.   Self-assessment is built in when reviewing targets as pupils take ownership of their learning. 
  • Metacognitive strategies are developed and embedded within practice – pupils are encouraged to manage their learning independently, monitor and evaluate their progress.  
  • Weekly homework supports the consolidation of knowledge and skills. 
  • Verbal and written feedback is given in line with the school policy.
  • In professional development meeting staff are given the opportunities to share good practice and share ideas on resourcing.



  • Impact of teaching and learning is measured through formative and summative assessment.
  • Teachers use formative assessment strategies to assess pupil’s understanding on a daily basis and address any misconceptions; this informs planning.  
  • Teachers use precise and higher order questioning to check knowledge and understanding. 
  • Summative assessment is timetabled in December, March and June; outcomes from the tests inform teaching and learning. 
  • Gap analysis of End of Key Stage 1 and 2 papers give rise to implications for further analysis in other year groups and trends across the school. 
  • Attainment and progress is recorded on target tracker.  Explained in the table below. 
  • In pupil progress meetings strategies are put in place to target any underperformance and accelerate progress. 


Target Tracker Summary


Assessing Against the Learning Objectives:

Highlight Objectives Red or Blue or leave in Black

Terminology used:

Black – Objective not taught or not grasped by the pupil

Working towards Securing the Objective (Objective has been taught and there is some evidence of application)

Secured the Objective

MasteryPrimarily at the end of the year as this requires a deep understanding of the learning objective and application across the curriculum. 

End of Autumn and Spring Assessments usually show working towards however, as we know, this won’t always be the case.  




Target Tracker – Summative Assessment

Expectation:  6 Steps of Progress across the Year

Where to go on Target Tracker:   Log into Target Tracker

Select Year Group – Primary – Steps – Single Subject – Select Subject – Then assess by right clicking

End of term Age Related Expectations


End of Autumn (December)

End of Spring

End of Summer

Year 1




Year 2



2S/2S+ (Expected/Greater Depth)

Year 3




Year 4




Year 5




Year 6



Reading and Maths On track to meet the criteria of the SATS tests in May. 


(Expected/Greater Depth)



B  – Beginning

Beginning to access the curriculum for their year group and, if the pupil continues to make the expected progress, they will be secure by the End of the Year. 

B+ - Beginning +

Pupils are further ahead and have more understanding.  They are on track to achieve Secure + or greater Depth by the end of the year. 

W – Working Towards

Working within the curriculum.  Good understanding of the learning objectives taught. Evidence that the pupils are applying their knowledge and skills to other areas of the curriculum.  

W+ Working Towards +

Pupils are further ahead and have more understanding.  They are on track to achieve Secure + or greater Depth by the end of the year.  These are your higher achievers. 

S  –  Secure

Pupils are secure in the objectives for their year group and there is evidence of application across the curriculum. They are making links and connections in their learning.  Please note - It is a best fit judgement however they need to be secure in approximately 90% of the objectives. 

S+/GDS – Secure + or Greater Depth Standard

Pupils have a deep understanding of the objectives for their year group; they confidently apply their knowledge and skills across the curriculum.  


Accompanying documents

Maths Positional Statement

Maths Curriculum Overview