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School Meals

From September 2023 all children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to free school meals. 

Click here for Mayor of London's Letter

However, if you receive certain benefits or are on a low income, we actively encourage you to still apply for free school meals, as this will ensure that your child receives additional support within school through the Pupil Premium.

 You may be entitled to free school meals if you are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits: Income Support(IS), Income-based Jobseeker Allowance (IBJSA), Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Support under PartVI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit,  Child Tax Credit without any Working Tax Credit and a low annual family income.

To apply, please fill in the form and send it to the office.

Free Schools Meals Application Form

Paying for School Dinners for children in Nursery

Please do not hesitate to approach the school office for information about free school dinners.

If you pay for school dinners, payment needs to be made via parent pay.   For 2023--2024 school dinners are £3.00 per day or £15.00 per week. (From Monday 30th October 2023)

It is possible for children to bring a packed lunch to school, as an alternative to a school dinner. Please refer to our Healthy Packed Lunch advice within our  packed lunch policy

Click here to see Menu for School Meals - November 2024 to March 2025


Parent's co-operation is required at all times and we ask you to ensure that:

  • Children are sent to school with water only and not juice of any kind

  • Since all children eat a meal at midday, extra food and drink, including sweets and chewing gum, are not brought to school.  This also helps to protect children’s teeth

  • All personal items are left at home.  The staff cannot be responsible for lost items  from trays, bags, coats, etc.